  1. What type of categories are Examiner.com, The Spectator, etc.?
  • The Examiner is a national, online news publication that allows freelance writers an opportunity to share their knowledge through “informative and entertaining” content on a specific platform. I am currently Orlando’s Fast Food Examiner. Whatever I publish on examiner.com  will be featured in the examiner.com category.
  • The Spectator is Valdosta State University’s campus newspaper. I was a writer and circulation manager for the newspaper for my junior and senior year of college. The articles I have written for this newspaper, whether they have or have not been published, will be featured under The Spectator category.
  • Senior Seminar was a course I took in college in order for me to graduate with a Journalism degree. In that course we focused on making our own newsletter (topic of our choice) and presenting it as though it was to be published after graduating. My newsletter was titled “In the Life of a Documentarian”. It focused on documentaries of all types and the people who produced them. Multiple articles from my newsletter will be published and featured under the Senior Seminar category.
  • MarketVision Gateway Research, Inc. (MVG) is the business I am interning for, for the Summer of 2013. I am their designated Social Research Blogger for the intern websites and social media networks. Whatever I may publish on their website may be featured under the MVG category.
  • Unpublished Literature speaks for itself. Sometimes writing about current events can be tedious, so I like to write a few creative pieces in my spare time.

2.  Why did you choose The Morning After layout?

  • I chose The Morning After layout because it resembles an online news website. The layout gives the feel that you are reading news, feature and opinion articles from a reputable news website. It allows me to strive in what I want to become, a Journalist.


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June 2024
